Latest List of Bhutan Prime Minister till date 2025

List of Bhutan Prime Minister I First PM I PM of Bhutan -: Today we will provide you the complete List of Bhutan Prime Minister. The list comprises of all the Prime Ministers of Bhutan till date. The Prime Minister of Bhutan is the head of of the Government of Bhutan. If you are preparing for any exam this list is going to be very useful for you.

In this article , we will check List of Bhutan Prime Minister or List of Prime Ministers of Bhutan/List of PM of Bhutan.

List of Bhutan Prime Minister

You can check the list of Prime Ministers of Bhutan in the table given below. The list comprises of the name of Prime Minister of Bhutan, Date of Birth/Death, Political party name, Tenure and period .

Sl.No.Name of Prime MinisterDate of Birth- Date of DeathTerm of OfficeTenurePolitical PartyCabinet
1.Jigme Palden Dorji(1919–1964)1952-196411-12 yearsIndependent—-
2.Lhendup Dorji(1935–2007)25th July, 1964 to 27th, Nov, 1964125 DaysIndependent—-
3.Jigme Thinley195220 July 1998 to 9 July 1999  354 days  Independent—-
4.Sangay Ngedup19539 July 1999  to 20 July 2000  1 year, 11 days  Independent—-
5.Yeshey Zimba195220 July 2000 to 8 August 2001  1 year, 19 days  Independent—-
6.Khandu Wangchuk19508 August 2001 to 14 August 2002    1 year, 6 days  Independent—-
7.Kinzang Dorji195114 August 2002 to 30 August 2003  1 year, 16 days  Independent—-
8.Jigme Thinley195230 August 2003 to 18 August 2004  354 days  Independent—-
9.Yeshey Zimba195218 August 2004 to 5 September 2005  1 year, 18 days  Independent—-
10.Sangay Ngedup19535 September 2005 to 7 September 2006  1 year, 2 days  Independent—-
11.Khandu Wangchuk19507 September 2006 to 31 July 2007327 daysIndependent—-
12.Kinzang Dorji195131 July 2007 to 9 April 2008  253 days  Independent 
13.Jigme Thinley19529 April 2008 to 28 April 2013  5 years, 19 days  DPT2008 Thinley Cabinet
14.Sonam Tobgye194928 April 2013 to 27 July 2013  90 days  Independent2013 Tobgye Interim Cabinet
15.Tshering Tobgay196527 July 2013 to 9 August 2018  5 years, 13 days  PDP2013 Tobgye Cabinet
16.Tshering Wangchuk19749 August 2018 to 7 November 2018  90 days  Independent2018 Wangchuk Interim Cabinet
17.Lotay Tshering19687 November 2018 to till date4 years, 295 days  DNT2018 Tshering Cabinet

List of Bhutan Prime MinisterFAQs

Who is the current Prime Minister of Bhutan?

Lotay Tshering is the current Prime Minister of Bhutan since 7th November 2018 till date.

Who is the king of Bhutan?

Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck is the king of Bhutan.

How Bhutan Pm is Elected?

The  Prime Minister of Bhutanis elected by  the party that wins the most seats in the National Assembly called Gyelyong Tshogdu and by the heads the executive cabinet that is called the Lhengye Zhungtshog(Council of Ministers)

Who rules Bhutan now?

Bhutan is ruled by the Prime Minister of Bhutan

Who is the first Prime Minister of Bhutan ?

Jigme Palden Dorji is the first Prime Minister of Bhutan.

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