Looking for Vets4pets price list ? Here we will provide you the complete information about service provided by Vets4pets and also the prices of service offered by Vets4pets clinic.
Vets4pets is known for providing pet advice like cat microchipping, pet parasites, dental care , vaccination , routine checkups of Dogs, Cats , Fish, Reptile and Rabbits.
Vets4pets price list
This list includes
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- vets4pets price list euthanasia
- pets at home vets price list uk
- vets for pets prices
- vets4pets cost of dog spaying
- vets4pets fees
- vets 4 pets consultation fee
Here is given the Vets4pets price list for all pets-:
Dog or Puppy Healthcare Price List
Dog Health Care | Weight | Monthly Prices |
Puppy Dog | Any Weight | £15 |
Small Dog | Below 10 Kg | £14 |
Medium Dog | Under 10 Kg to 25 Kg | £15.50 |
Large Dog | Under 25 Kg to 40 Kg | £16.50 |
XL Dog | Under 40 Kg to 65 Kg | £23 |
Giant Dog | 65 Kg + | £26 |
Cat or Kitten Health Care Price List
Cat Health Care | Weight | Monthly Prices |
Young Kitten | Any Weight | £15 |
Medium Cat | Below 8 Kg | £12.50 |
Large Cat | 8 Kg + | £15 |
Rabbit Health Care Price List
Rabbit Health Care | Weight | Monthly Prices |
Small Rabbit | 10 Kg | £8 |
Vets4Pets Services List
Vets4Pets provides the following services as detailed below-:
- Neutering Your Pet
- Microchipping pet
- Orthopaedics and Fracture Repair
- Nurse clinics for pets
- Vaccinating Your Pet
- Laparoscopy services
- Expressing Your Dog’s Anal Glands
- Dental Care For Your Pet
- Physiotherapy for your pet
- Hydrotherapy For Dogs & Cats
- Parasite Protection
- General anaesthesia for pets
Vets4Pets Contact Information
Address | Vets4Pets Limited, Isambard House Fire Fly Avenue Swindon SN2 2EH. |
Contact Number | 01367 820820 |
Official Website | https://www.vets4pets.com/ |
Clicnic Opening Timings | Monday to Friday 08:00 – 18:00 |
For any Enquiries and appointment request you can visit the site by clicking on this link i.e. https://www.vets4pets.com/enquiries-and-appointment-request/.
Please note that the prices are taken from the official website of Vets4pets. For most updated price please visit the official website at https://www.vets4pets.com/

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