List of GOC in C Commendation Card 2023– In this article, we will provide you List of GOC in C Commendation Card 2023 or List of COAS and VCOAS Commendation Card 2023 . This recognition was given on the independence day of India on 15th August 2023. This award is received by the serving members of the Indian Army who are serving for India.
This year on the 77th Independence Day is celebrated as Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. To celebrate this historic date of 15th August, various ministries of the Indian government, state governments, union territories, armed forces, and civilians are organizing a number of events across the whole nation.
List of GOC in C Commendation Card 2023

Please find the List of GOC in C Commendation Card 2023/ List of COAS and VCOAS Commendation Card 2023 in the table given below-:

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